Typesafe Mocks in TypeScript

Mocks are great, even if they represent the same API as the real implementation. In this article we use global mocks for implementations and won’t mock them multiple times.

2 small utils in tyepscript have solved this problem for me in the past.


Public<T> is a great helper to make sure that my mocks will match the API of the real implementation.

export type Public<T> = Pick<T, keyof T>;

It will pick each public property and method of a class.


In my daily work with Angular and TestBed, I have written this ugly Boilerplate multiple times:

const service = (TestBed.inject(RealService) as unknown) as MockService;

Now, let’s take a look at injectMock.

While I declarate my mock like this:

class MockService implements Public<RealService> {
   public realProp: string = 'hello World'; // prop from RealService
   public printString() {
      console.log(this.realProp); // exists only in MockService

export const injectMockService = injectMock<RealService, MockService>(RealService);

and injectMock looks like:

export function injectMock<T, M extends Public<T>>(
  type: Type<T>
): () => T) => M {
  return () => (TestBed.inject(type) as unknown) as M;

and the usage in my spec will now be done like this:

const mockService = injectMockService(); // now safe in type MockService
mockService.realProp; // work fine
mockService.printString(); // work also

It’s not the breaking change in development, but it will save some time while writing reusable mocks.

About the author: Nils Heinemann

Nils has more than five years of experience in software development and architecture. He specializes in frontend development with Angular and TypeScript. Nils joined MaibornWolff in 2018.